About Us

We here at Harlan Insurance Agency specialize in getting you the best coverage to meet your needs with the best prices to ease the strain on your pocketbook.

We have a friendly and knowledgeable staff to help answer questions you may have about insurance. Feel free to ask for the owner, Mark Harlan who is happy to take a personal interest in your insurance needs.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Futuristic Outlook For Claiming Auto Insurance in Alexandria, LA

"As it stands, however, this scenario of having self-driving cars seem to be still far beyond the horizon. Therefore, car accidents would have to be dealt with the old-fashioned way, and Louisiana auto insurance would have to be processed in the same manner it has always been processed throughout modern-day history. Then again, it really shouldn’t be all that bad. After all, there are many good insurance companies out there who do prioritize the concerns of their clients, such as the Harlan Insurance Agency. They understand that getting into a car accident is trouble enough, so why should they add some more things to worry about for you?"